The Quotations of Imported Mn Ores Declined Slightly During the Past Week (Jan 2nd—Jan 6th)
It is estimated that the spot price of imported manganese ore will continue to drop slight in January, 2017 as the result of weak demand. But some insiders believe that there is limited space for the manganese ore price to drop as the futures quotation of impo... |
The Quotation of Chinese SiMn Products Continued to Drop Slightly (Jan 2nd—Jan 6th)
[] The price of Chinese silicon manganese products continued to drop slightly during the past week. The quotation of silicon manganese 6517 was RMB7800-8000/mt in Ningxia, the quotation was RMB7900-8000/mt in Inner Mongolia, and the quotation o... |
The Spot Prices of Chinese FeMn Products Decreased Slightly during the Past Week (Jan 2nd—Jan 6th)
[] The spot price of Chinese high carbon ferromanganese products declined slightly during the past week. High carbon ferromanganese 65C7.0 was quoted at RMB7900-8000/mt in Shanxi province, medium carbon ferromanganese 78C1.5 was quoted at RMB12... |
中国铁合金网讯:乌兰察布市充分发挥区位、交通、产业等优势,依托“京津冀一体化”协同发展战略,进一步整合资源,与天津物产集团合作,共同打造乌兰察布的矿产品、铁合金交易及物流综合服务平台,提高乌兰察布市的品牌、行业影响力以及产业链中的核心竞争力。 乌兰察布市目前... |
中国铁合金网讯:2017鸡年到来,锰市风云变幻,一位锰行业的前辈发表了精彩的评论。以下是问答实录,供业内人士参考。 问:杨总,锰市又到了十字路口了,发表下高见呗?谢谢 答:对市场走势的判断没谁能"料事如神",我一直主张用数据说话加上国内外大环境的影响,因为是做锰系的... |
岁末年初,不经意间,我们送走了充实收获的2016年。 过去的365个日夜,我们有着从零起步的艰难,也有努力后初见成效的喜悦,有着成功的欢呼,也有着家人相知相伴的温暖。 生活本来就丰富多彩,而今我们依旧在“公司兴盛,员工幸福”的路上奔行。 记住昨天,是为了不忘初心,更... |
中国铁合金网讯:近日,从位于稷山县西社煤化工园区的山西东方资源发展有限公司获悉,截至11月底,该公司4台锰铁高炉共产锰铁48万吨,交纳税收达到1.5亿元,年产值40亿元,成功实现了锰铁产量全国第一,成为全国最大的锰铁生产基地。 东方资源发展有限公司是一个集选煤、焦化、冶... |
(一)宁夏天元24台3万KVA高硅硅锰电炉项目进展顺利,计划2017年上半年投产6台电炉。2016年7月25日,中冶东方与宁夏天元锰业集团的宁夏华夏科技有限公司签订了6台30000kVA密闭式硅锰矿热炉及尾气余热发电项目设计合同。本工程位于宁夏中宁工业园新材料循环经济示范区,距国储536仓... |