Management shifts at MMC Norilsk Nickel

  • Thursday, January 17, 2013
  • Source:

  • Keywords:MMC Nickel
The General Director of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (MMC Norilsk Nickel or the Company) has approved shifts in the Company’s management structure on this date.
Evgeny Yakovlev is appointed to the office of the First Deputy General Director supervising: Deputy General Director, Head of Marketing, Procurement, Inventory and Transport Logistics Unit; Deputy General Director, Head of Energy and Fuel Unit; Deputy General Director for Production. In addition Evgeny Yakovlev will oversee the IT Department.
Sergey Batekhin is appointed to the office of Deputy General Director – Head of Marketing, Procurement, Inventory and Transport Logistics Unit overseeing the Logistics, and Procurement Department as well as Sales.
Larisa Zelkova is appointed to the office of Deputy General Director in charge of Social Policy and Public Affairs, supervising the HR Department, Labor Engineering and Staff Motivation Division, Social Programs and Corporate Events Division as well as the Press Service.
Dmitry Kostoev shall continue holding office of Chief Financial Officer, now also overseeing the Investment Policy and Insurance Departments.
Evgeny Muravyev previously holding the position of Deputy General Director – Head of Environmental Management Unit is appointed to the office of Deputy General Director for Production.
Vyacheslav Poltavtsev, Deputy General Director in charge of Authorities Interactions shall additionally oversee the Charity Committee.
Nina Plastinina is appointed to the office of Director of Internal Control Department.Elena Kondratova shall preside over the Staff Office of the Company.
Structural changes do not affect the positions of Elena Bezdenezhnykh, Deputy General Director – Head of Corporate Governance, Asset Management and Legal Unit and Igor Klochko, Deputy General Director - Head of Energy and Fuel Unit.
  • [Editor:editor]

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