Volumes of Ningxia Inspected and Quarantined FeSi Registered Great Increase through January to September

  • Wednesday, October 15, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:FeSi,Ferrosilicon,Volumes,Inspection,Quarantine,Ningxia
[Fellow]Volumes of Ningxia Inspected and Quarantined FeSi Registered Great Increase through January to September

[Ferro-alloys.com] According to latest statistics of Ningxia Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the first nine months saw a total of 71,094 mt of ferrosilicon inspected and quarantined through the bureau. The number was 50,311 mt in the same period of 2013, registering an increase of over 21 thousand mt. The unqualified ferrosilicon reached 10,509 mt through January to September of 2014, indicating a failure rate of 14.8%.

Over the past two or three years some new ferrosilicon projects whose furnaces had become increasingly large had been set up in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. This enabled even larger capacities and outputs of ferrosilicon. In terms of the number of ferrosilicon producers, Ningxia and Qinghai took the first two places, followed by Inner Mongolia and Gansu. As for capacity ranking, it was basically the same situation.

  • [Editor:Phillip.Feng]

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