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Silicon Metal Export Price Slightly Up due to Tight Supply

In end June, Chinese silicon metal export market was still firm with spot materials continuously tight especially for high grade silicon metal.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Côte d'Ivoire Gold, Manganese Output Set to Jump in 2014

Côte d'Ivoire expects its gold output to rise by about 10% this year while manganese production will jump nearly 18% as new mining projects start up, the country's mines minister said on Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Inadequate Power Supply Lifted Higher Si Metal Prices in China

This situation was confirmed by silicon metal dealers, major ones of which expressed they didn’t stock up due to tight supply and good sales of silicon metal and it was very hard to seek spot materials and trading price was much higher.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chinese Vanadium Pent Oxide Price Kept Steady

[]Chinese vanadium pent oxide was offered at RMB-/mt by acceptance.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chinese FeV Price Kept Steady, and Expected to Weaken Later

[]Chinese FeV price kept steady, but the deals were slim. Next round of tenders from steel mills didn’t occur, most participants waiting for the market first. The upcoming tender price will determine FeV price trend, and current transaction p...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

European EMM Market Was Stable

EMM market in Europe was stable recently. According to the latest data of MB, warehouse price of 99.7% manganese flake in

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chinese FeMn Market Showed Calm before New Round Bidding of Steel Settling

[] As steel mills proceeed to new round purchase, it seems that price of ferromanganese showed no fluctuation in recent period.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

SiMn 6014 and Non-Standard SiMn in China Kept Poor Performance

[] It is said that silicon manganese 6014 and non-standard silicon manganese in China kept poor performance amid contracted demand.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
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