Ferrosilicon Tender Information in November, 2022 (Nov 18, 2022)

  • Friday, November 18, 2022
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Ferrosilicon Tender
[Fellow]Ferrosilicon Tender Information in November, 2022 (Nov 18, 2022).



Steel Mills



Month on Month


Volume (Tons)

FeSi75-B (72#)

A local steel mill in Fujian



3000 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Jinshenglan Group

2000 tons (To Hubei 500 tons, 8380,↓170;

To Jiangsu 300 tons, 8400,↓400; To Anhui 500 tons, 8400; To Heyuan, Guangdong 400 tons, 8600; To Yunfu, Guagndong 300 tons, 8600,↓200)

FeSi75-B (72#)

A local steel mill in Hunan



1500 tons, ↑1000 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Nanjing Iron and Steel



1200 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Bao Steel



(10-50mm) 1150 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

HBIS Group



1049 tons, 1049 tons less than that in Oct.

FeSi75-B (72#)



1000 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

A Special Steel Mill in Hebei



1000 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Jinshenglan Group

900 tons (To Hubei 300 tons, 8500, ↑120;

To Anhui 300 tons, 8550, ↑150;

To Yunfu, Guagndong 300 tons, 8750, ↑150)

FeSi75-B (72#)

Chongqing Iron & Steel



800 tons, Si≥72%、Al≤2%、Ca≤1.5%

FeSi75-B (72#)

Rizhao Steel Yingkou Medium Plate



700 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Bao Steel



FeSi75-B, 10-50mm, 600 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Yunnan Chenggang Group



600 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Shougang Changzhi Steel



600 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Pan Steel, Changcheng Special Steel



(10-70mm) 600 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Shandong Luli Steel



(10-70mm) 500 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Minyuan Steel Group



500 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Minyuan Steel Group



300 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Henan Fengbao Special Steel



300 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Anhui Changjiang Steel



300 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Yangchun New Steel



300 tons, ↑100 tons

FeSi75-B (72#)

Ba Yi Iron & Steel



72%≤Si≤80%,10-50mm,200 tons

FeSi75-A (75#)

Pan Steel



Fesi75AL1.0 (10-30mm) 200 tons, Fesi75AL1.0 (10-70mm) 800 tons, Fesi75AL2.0 (10-30mm) 130 tons

FeSi75-A (75#)

Pan Steel



Fesi75AL2.0 (10-70mm) 2800 tons (Xichang 2000 tons)

FeSi75-A (75#)

Henan Fengbao Special Steel



300 tons

FeSi75-A (75#)

Tangshan Guotang Steel



(10~50mm) 250 tons


Pan Steel, Xichang



(10-50mm) 240 tons

Low aluminum ferrosilicon

JISCO Stainless Steel



90 tons

Low aluminum ferrosilicon

Benxi Steel Group



FeSi75Al0.5-A 160 tons

  • [Editor:kangmingfei]

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