Chromium Products Tender Information in February, 2022 (2/9/2022)

  • Wednesday, February 9, 2022

  • Keywords:Chromium Products Tender Information
[Fellow]Chromium Products Tender Information in February, 2022 (2/9/2022).


Steel mills


Price (RMB/MT)

Month on month



High carbon ferrochromium

8195 CNY / Cr 50 Basis



Baosteel Desheng Stainless Steel

High carbon ferrochromium

8195 CNY / Cr 50 Basis




High carbon ferrochromium

7995 CNY / Cr 50 Basis



A special steel mill in East China

High carbon ferrochromium

8798-9300 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


4600 tons

Dongbei Special Steel Group Co.,Ltd.

High carbon ferrochromium



1800 tons

Shagang Group

High carbon ferrochromium



1500 tons

Huaigang Special Steel

High carbon ferrochromium



1500 tons

Nanjing Iron and Steel Group

High carbon ferrochromium



(Ⅱ)1200 tons

Pan Steel

High carbon ferrochromium



10-50mm, 300 tons

Anyang Yongxing Special Steel

High carbon ferrochromium



200 tons

Huaigang Special Steel

Medium carbon ferrochromium



500 tons

Dongbei Special Steel Group Co.,Ltd.

Medium carbon ferrochromium



300 tons

Pan Steel

Medium carbon ferrochromium



C2.0, 10-40mm, 120 tons

A special steel mill in East China

Low carbon ferrochromium

14800-15100 CNY / Cr 60 Basis


C0.50, 1960 tons

Xiangtan Iron & Steel

Low carbon ferrochromium

12830 CNY / Cr 50 Basis


C0.5, 600 tons

Dongbei Special Steel Group Co.,Ltd.

Low carbon ferrochromium



200 tons

Bao Steel

Micro carbon ferrochromium



FeCr69C0.06, 2600 tons

Jiuquan Steel stainless steel

Micro carbon ferrochromium



V6, 330 tons



  • [Editor:kangmingfei]

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