China ferromolybdenum exports in Jan-Aug 2021 by country/region

  • Tuesday, September 28, 2021

  • Keywords:ferromolybdenum, exports
[Fellow]China ferromolybdenum exports in Jan-Aug 2021 by country/region.


Source: China Customs

Parters Quantity (tons) Quantity Proportion US dollars 
Indonesia 6535.055 67.6304% 118,225,255
Korea 1107.95 11.4660% 24,337,532
Taiwan, China 891 9.2208% 19,494,234
Netherlands 559 5.7850% 12,481,226
Japan 218.75 2.2638% 4,956,401
Mexico 160 1.6558% 3,468,477
Belgium 80 0.8279% 1,816,071
Oman 39.834 0.4122% 1,013,230
Thailand 24.9 0.2577% 321,813
South Africa 20 0.2070% 534,262
Malaysia 12 0.1242% 217,460
Vietnam 11 0.1138% 234,820
Chile 2.4 0.0248% 44,058
Germany 1 0.0103% 25,953
Total 9662.889 100.0000% 187,170,792


  • [Editor:kangmingfei]

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