[Ferro-Alloys.com] Business Line reported tat Vedanta’s Sesa Goa Iron Ore has extended the shutdown of its operations for three more days, as per Goa government’s direction. Accordingly, all operations at Vedanta’s plant in Amona-Navelim Goa were suspended, including those of blast furnaces, except for one waste heat power plant, which was required to provide electrical power for all cooling water pumps in the plant for safety reasons and emergency services. The coke oven battery was also in operation to support the waste heat power plant.
Reuters reported that dome of Russia’s biggest steel producers have suspended alcohol tests for employees because of the coronavirus outbreak. Many Russian heavy industrial plants have installed breathalyser devices at workplaces in recent years as a health and safety measure to check whether workers have been drinking. But with the possibility that the virus could be spread via surfaces touched by many people, some firms have suspended use of the devices - often small frames on which a worker breathes and receives a pass or fail in seconds.
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