[ferro-alloys.com]Yesterday, the index of U.S dollar did not rise up. Although Indonesia had resumed their nickel ore export, more than 20 Indonesian firms agreed to terminate their nickel ore export in their own will since January 1st next year. So, there exists some uncertain factors of nickel ore supply. By the end of trading, LME nickel was quoted at 15640 USD/T. It was 70 USD/T higher than the price on Monday. The trading volume decreased a little in domestic future nickel market. The price still kept on dropping. Compared with Shanghai future nickel 1912 contract, the discount of Russian nickel was 2400-2500 RMB/T, and the premium of Jinchuan nickel was 4000-4200 RMB/T.Today, Jinchuan quoted its electrolytic nickel at 129500 RMB/T. It was the same as the price yesterday.
The stainless steel market was in downturn. It affected the ferronickel market. The price of high grade ferronickel went down. The mainstream price was 1110-1140 RMB/Nickel, and the price of low grade ferronickel was 3300-3450 RMB/T.
- [Editor:王可]
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