U.S intends to impose tariff on $200 billion Chinese goods, “China has to react in the same time”-Ministry of Commerce

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2018
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:U.S,tariff, react, Chinese Ministry of Commerce
[Fellow]U.S intends to impose tariff on $200 billion Chinese goods, “China has to react in the same time”-Ministry of Commerce

[ferro-alloys.com]Yesterday, Press Secretary of Chinese Ministry of Commerce made a speech about U.S decision on imposing tariff on $200 billion Chinese goods. He said that China had to react in the same time for its own legitimate rights and global free trade order.

On September 17th, U.S President Trump announced to impose tariff on $200 billion Chinese goods. It will start on September 24th. The initial rate will be 10%,then raise to 25% after 2019. In the statement, Trump warned that if China took retaliatory action against American farmers and other industries, they would immediately pursue phrase three which would be tariff on $267 billion Chinese goods.

The Press Secretary emphasized that it brought new uncertainty for negotiation to impose tariff by U.S. We hoped that U.S would realize the consequence of such behaviour, and took proper steps to correct the mistake timely.

On August 3rd, Chinese Ministry of Commerce used to say that China would impose tariff on $600 American goods to protect its own legitimate rights according to the rules of PRC Foreign Trade Law and basic principle of International Law. The rate varied from 5% to 25%. The final effective time would be announced separately.

  • [Editor:王可]

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