[Ferro-Alloys.com] Recently, the market consumption of Ca cored wires has been up, especially in domestic market. The overseas market has put much significance in the application of Ca cored wires.
Baoxin New Furnace is engaged in the production of new furnace and alloy cored wires that are supplied for domestic and external market. A representative from the marketing department of the company introduced that now the sales of Ca cored wires have been satisfactory and last month the tenders were mostly from steel mills.
Changzhi Jinshiheng Tecnology Co.,Ltd is committed to producing Ca products which are supplied to the market home and abroad. “Now the Ca cored wires are mainly consumed by the domestic market. Recently, the factory is in recondition which will last for a week.
Lately, Valin Steel is bidding tenders of Ca cored wires. The expiry date is 20th in May. The suppliers take the chance to contact Valin Steel.
- [Editor:Yang Xue Jiao ]
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