China’s Exporting Volume of FeSI Keeps Dropping in Aug, 2015 m-o-m

  • Friday, September 25, 2015

  • Keywords:China FeSi export volume
[Fellow][] According to the statistics of China’s custom, China exported 17,841.018 tons of ferrosilicon in August, 2015, descending 20.94%, m-o-m 22,565.711 tons; the volume of ferrosilicon (Si>55%) exported in Aug is 14,993.868 tons, and the export ...

[] According to the statistics of China’s custom, China exported 17,841.018 tons of ferrosilicon in August, 2015, descending 20.94%, m-o-m 22,565.711 tons; the volume of ferrosilicon (Si>55%) exported in Aug is 14,993.868 tons, and the export amount of ferrosilicon (Si≤55%) is 2,847.15 tons. From January to August in 2015, China exported 188,228.01 tons of ferrosilicon, dropping abruptly, y-o-y 278,524.601 tons.

In terms of the exporting destination, the main exporting destination of ferrosilicon (Si>55%) is Japan, amounting 5,378.67 tons, falling slightly, m-o-m 5,485.622 tons; the export amount to America is 5,050 tons, increasing a lot, m-o-m 1,500 tons; China exported to Taiwan 1,268 tons of ferrosilicon, descending slightly, m-o-m 1,693 tons; it exported to South Korea 1,140 tons, dropping abruptly, m-o-m 5,497.780 tons.

In August, China mainly exported ferrosilicon(720229,Si≤55%)to South Korea, amounting 964.05 tons, m-o-m 1,681 tons; it exported 521.1 tons to Japan, falling slightly, m-o-m 542.05 tons.

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  • [Editor:Chen Lian Hai]

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