Chinese HC FeMn Market Kept Flat amid Contracted Demand

  • Tuesday, April 21, 2015

  • Keywords:FeMn Ferromanganese
[Fellow][]In recent period, high carbon ferromanganese 65 maintained at RMB4,800-5,000/mt, and RMB5,000-5,200mt from traders. As for 75, it was quoted at RMB5,600-5,800/mt

[]In recent period, high carbon ferromanganese 65 maintained at RMB4,800-5,000/mt, and RMB5,000-5,200mt from traders. As for 75, it was quoted at RMB5,600-5,800/mt. In fact, increasing number of medium and small alloy factories and traders already pushed out of the industry amid continued poor performance.

On top of worse situation in China, high carbon ferromanganese also failed to in good shaple in international market. In Europe, high carbon ferromanganese stood at €695-740/mt. In USA, the price of high carbon ferromanganese lingered about $980-1000/mt.



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  • [Editor:Sophie]

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