Annual Capacity of New EMM Plant Should Be No Less than 30,000 mt

  • Friday, February 27, 2015

  • Keywords:Mn metal, Manganese metal, EMM, electrolytic manganese,SeO2
[Fellow]The document said, new EMM projects should be set in industrial zones. New EMM plants were not

[] The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China released <Access Conditions of Ferroalloy Industry (revised in 2015)> (draft) recently. The document said, new EMM projects should be set in industrial zones. New EMM plants were not allowed to set in nature reserves, scenic spots, cultural heritage sites, forest parks, geological parks, wetland parks, protection zones for drinking water or ecological function protection areas.

Annual capacity of new EMM production line should be no less than 10,000 mt and annual capacity of a single EMM plant should be no less than 30,000 mt. Effective volume of the compound slot should be no less than 250 cubic meters.

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  • [Editor:Mike.zhang]

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