High Production Cost Makes SiMn Companies in China Suffer More

  • Thursday, November 6, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Silicon manganese SiMn
[Fellow][Ferro-Alloys.com] It is estimated that silicon manganese 6517 production cost in North of China already reached RMB5,800/mt, excluding enquipment loss.

[Ferro-Alloys.com] It is estimated that silicon manganese 6517 production cost in North of China already reached RMB5,800/mt, excluding enquipment loss. However, take current HBIS purchase for instance, the ex-work price for silicon manganese already lowered to around RMB5,900/mt in Ningxia area. In fact, producers in local area put on the verge of loss. While in south area, higher power price pushes up production cost to the point of above RMB6,000/mt. Furthermore, as dry water seaon approaching, manganese alloy would be likely to face more loss which may in turn bring about weak operation rates.


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  • [Editor:Sophie]

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