Price for FeMn in Shanghai of China Remained Fluctuation

  • Wednesday, August 27, 2014

  • Keywords:FeMn Ferromanganese
[Fellow][] As flat demand, some ferromanganese traders in Shanghai were forced to further edge down sale price to the point of production cost line for some kinds of ferromanganese. High carbon ferromanganese 65 was lowered to RMB 5,700/mt from parts o...

[] As flat demand, some ferromanganese traders in Shanghai were forced to further edge down sale price to the point of production cost line for some kinds of ferromanganese. High carbon ferromanganese 65 was lowered to RMB 5,700/mt from parts of traders and RMB6,600/mt for 75. Medium carbon ferromanganese 75C2.0 was priced at RMB8,100-8,200/mt while RMB8,,700/mt for 78C1.5.

Given increasing output for high carbon ferromanganese in China, it seems that price would still face another tumble amid new round bidding for steelmakers. However, since the sale already down to the bottom, it is predicted that the future movement on ferromanganese would likely to be very small.


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  • [Editor:Sophie]

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