Li Xinchuang: There Were Many Patterns for Steel E-commerce

  • Wednesday, March 19, 2014

  • Keywords:Li Xinchuang: There Were Many Patterns for Steel E-commerce
[Fellow]Li Xinchuang: There Were Many Patterns for Steel E-commerce

[] President of China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institution Li Xinchuang said to the press that steel e-commercewas still in the explorary stage and its advantage was being recognized gradually. This business would be promoted but it was not sure which pattern would be taken finally.  


According to his introduction, there were three patterns currently. Patter One: steel manufacturers did it themselves. Pattern Two: steel traders and intermediate users did it. Pattern Three: the independent third party did it.It was not sure which pattern was the best. After all, steel e-commerce had just started and there were many restraints.


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  • [Editor:Mike.zhang]

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