2012-2013 Nickel Industry Report (Outline)

  • Wednesday, December 26, 2012
  • Source:

  • Keywords:Nickel Industry Report nickel ore ferronickel n
I. Global and Chinese Economy
1.1 Overview on Global and Chinese Economic Condition
1.2 Outlook on Global and Chinese Economic Condition
II. Policies on Nickel
2.1 Chinese policies on nickel industry
2.2 Indonesian policies on Nickel ores
2.3 Philippine policies on Nickel ores
2.4 Others countries
III. Distribution, exploitation and utilization of Nickel Resource
3.1 Global nickel laterite distribution
3.2 Exploitation and utilization of nickel resource in the world
3.2 Chinese nickel laterite distribution
3.3 Exploitation of nickel resource in China
IV. Investment on Nickel Resource
4.1 Philippine Nickel Ore Resources
4.2 Nickel resource in other counties
4.3 Some large nickel ores mines
4.4 Nickel enterprise in China 
V. Supply and Demand of Global and China Nickel
5.1 2006-2012 Global Nickel Ore Output
5.2 2007-2012 Nickel Output
5.3 2006-2012 LME Nickel Stocks
5.4 2008-2012 Nickel Output of Main Producers in the world
5.5 Chinese Nickel Output
5.6 Chinese Ferronickel Output
5.7 Chinese Nickel Consumption Structure
5.8 Chinese Nickel Consumption volumes
6.1 2009-2012 Nickel Ore Price
6.2 2009-2012 Jinchuan Nickel Price
6.3 2009-2012 Nickel Price in Shanghai Market
6.4 2009-2012 Nickel Price in Changjiang Spot Market
6.5 2009-2012 LME Nickel Price
6.6 2009-2012 Ferronickel Price
7.1 Global Nickel Market in 2013
7.1.1 World Nickel Supply
7.1.2 World Nickel Demand
7.1.3 World Nickel Market Price
7.2 Chinese Nickel Market in 2013
7.3 Worldly New Nickel Projects
  • [Editor:editor]

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