Exploration and development company Rainbow Rare Earths has secured $12-million in funding from Pala Investments for the development of the high-grade Gakara rare earths project, in Burundi. The first stage of funding involves a two-tranche $6-million conver...
Australia signed a long-awaited free trade agreement with China, its largest trading partner, coinciding with Tuesday's state-visit by China's president, Xi Jinping. As expected, the FTA sees tariffs on Australian agricultural products lowered and thresholds i...
It's reported that Brazil's iron ore exports rose from 153 million tons to 168 million tons in the first 7 month of this year compared to the same period in 2013.
Bushveld Minerals Limited (AIM: BMN), a mineral development company focused on iron, vanadium and tin projects in southern Africa, is pleased to provide an operations update for its Main Magnetite Layer ("MML") vanadium project in Limpopo Province, South Afric...