Chinese FeMo Price Dropped, Downward Trend Seen Later

[]Chinese FeMo transacted at RMB57,000-58,000/mt by acceptance. Steel industry was still depressed in September, resulting in that producers purchased needed volumes.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Slipped, Suppliers Losing Confidence

[]Chinese FeMo transacted at RMB58,000-59,000/mt by acceptance. Major steel mills such as BaoSteel and Taiyuan Iron & Steel planned to launch tenders, but still suspicious about each other.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Stabilized, but Overseas Price Slipped (Aug 10th –Aug 14th )

[]Chinese FeMo was quoted at RMB63,000/mt by acceptance. Major steel mills cut the tender price, transaction price dropped further. Overseas moly oxide traded at USD5.8-5.9/lbMo.

Monday, August 17, 2015

China Exported 102mt FeMo in June, 2015, down 77% Y-o-Y

[]In June, 2015, China exported 102mt FeMo, down 77% Y-o-Y(445mt), but up 57% M-o-M(65mt).

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Kept Flat While Oversea Molybdenum Oxide Price Drop (Aug 3rd---Aug 7th)

Chinese FeMo price kept flat,FeMo60 quoted at RMB62,000 per ton and 64,000 by acceptance. At the beginning of August, mainstream steel mills finished their FeMo tender purchase at a new low price of RMB60, 000 per ton by acceptance.

Monday, August 10, 2015

FeMo: Chinese Quotation Firmed, but the Tender Price Slipped

[]Chinese FeMo60 was quoted at RMB64,000/mt by acceptance. In early August, the tenders of big steel mills ended, transaction price lowering to RMB60,000/mt by acceptance.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FeMo: Chinese Price Slipped, as Steel Mills Purchased Little Volume

[]Chinese FeMo was quoted at RMB64,000/mt by acceptance. In late month, major steel mills didn’t launch bids, deals concentrating on scattered buying activities. The transaction price hit a new low, for mills made loss and decreased tender vol...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

China’s FeMo Price Bottomed While Oversea Molybdenum Oxide Price Ceased Dropping and Stays Flat ((Jul 20th –Jul 24th)

It is predicted that FeMo market price in Chinese market won’t drop further since it has reached bottom, but its rise is expected as early as revival of steel industry on September. Oversea Molybdenum Oxide price also bottomed and would not rise notably till ...

Monday, July 27, 2015
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