Downstream Enterprises Faced Converting or Stopping production for High Nickel Cost

Affected by the Indonesian policy, the nickel price had already cumulative gains 50% since early of 2014.The main downstream industry-stainless steel suffered much due to the rising cost.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why Ukraine Crisis Could Drive Nickel to $25,000/Tonne

Nickel has enjoyed a solid price spurt in recent months, fuelled by fears over heavy supply disruptions after Indonesia — home to around a fifth of total nickel production — placed an export ban on nickel ore back in January

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tight Supply Push LME Nickel Prices to 14-Month High

[] It is reported that nickel price on the LME has climbed to a 14 month high point, which is mainly due to the tighter supplies. LME nickel prices settled at US$18,460 on April 24th.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Nickel hits 1 year high on shortage concerns as aluminium up

Reuters reported that nickel prices touched their highest in more than a year as speculators continued a trend of buying futures on concerns about the potential for shortages following a ban on ore exports from Indonesia.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Why Nickel Prices are Surging Recently

[] Nickel prices have surged nearly seven per cent in the past month with fears over supplies from Russia adding to Indonesian curbs on shipments of unprocessed ores.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Indonesian policy pulled up the nickel market-China (Jan.13th—Jan. 17th)

This week the LME nickel price started to rebound encouraged by the Indonesian policy. On Jan. 16th, the LME Nickel close at USD$14695/mt, USD1345/mt higher than last week while the stock decreased

Monday, January 20, 2014
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