Jisco Cut down High FeNi Purchasaing Price of June-China

Jisco Cut down High FeNi Purchasaing Price of June-China

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Some Steel Mills cut down the High FeNi Price-China (May26th –May30th)

For the rising demand from steel mills, the low ferronickel price rose significantly

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Low FeNi Supply was Tight in Chinese Market

According to the producers, the supply of low FeNi was pretty tight. Now the low FeNi price had already increased to RMB3,400-3,600/mt,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

High FeNi Tender Price Increased while Purchasing Volume down in June-China (May19th-May 23rd)

Steel mills had released the purchasing price, which mainly fluctuated between RMB1, 440-1,450/Ni (delivery price with tax).

Monday, May 26, 2014

Low FeNi Price Increased much for Tight Supply-China

The high FeNi cost and the insufficient supply made many steel mills turn to buy more low ferronickel ore nickel metal.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

High FeNi Trading in China Stalemated

In FeNi market, some producers were initiative to sell some products for the tight fund. However, they still quoted firm. For steel mills

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rising Nickel Price largely Pulled up the SS Cost-China

Affected by the Indonesian policy and the Ukraine situation, the nickel price had already increased by 50% since mid-Mar. This change brought much pressure to the steel mills for the rising cost while the stainless steel price was pulled up.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

More FeNi Enterprises Cut down Production in China for lack of Ni Ores. (May.5th-May.9th)

In China, more FeNi enterprises, including large producers had to cut down production or even closed down for lack of appropriate nickel ores.

Monday, May 12, 2014
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