USITC latest statistics showed the US imported 24,397 mt of ferrosilicon in July 2014, soaring up 141% from 10,144 mt of June 2014 and slightlyup 7.2% from 22,754 mt of July 2013.
Ferro Silicon prices gain marginally on the ground of stronger buying activity. Market sources assume prices to remain stable and perhaps strengthen in the coming month.
In the beginning of September, Chinese steel mills have begun the bidding purchase for raw materials such as ferrosilicon and some have released the bidding price after finishing the purchase, most of which kept stable except for HBIS raising by RMB40 for FeSi...
The Chinese largest steel mill HBIS increased its September ferrosilicon 72# bidding price to RMB6030/mt (delivered price) from RMB5990/mt in August. After the price released, the mills around HBIS also increased the September bidding price.
In July 2014, Iceland exported 11401 tons of ferrosilicon, up by 58.9% Y-O-Y and up by 26.9% Y-O-Y. The materials were mainly shipped to Holland, Spain and Germany with quantities respectively at 3335 tons, 2501 tons and 2241 tons, which were all violently ris...