[Ferro-Alloys.com]The output value of Qinghai Huatie Metal Limited in 2014 totaled 736.462 million yuan, with an year-on-year increase of 1.45%. Meanwhile, the company still faced the inventory problem and capital pressure.
International Ferro Metals (IFM) lifted ferrochrome production by a modest 3% to 49 800 t for the quarter ended December 31, despite the issuance of a Section 54 notice in November following a health and safety incident that led to two employees being exposed ...
It was acknowledged that Jiangsu Fu Ning Kaisheng Stainless Steel Materials Co., Ltd. had transferred to produce the ferrochrome with daily HC FeCr (Cr50%) output of 120tons.
Jubilee Platinum has been tasked with the beneficiation of chrome and platinum-group metals (PGMs) from the surface tailings of Hernic Ferrochrome’s operations in the North West.
Oman’s Sohar Port and Freezone has unveiled a new $19 million ferrochrome smelter, the second of five planned for Sohar, production at which will be led by Gulf Mining Group, a leading producer and exporter of chrome ore.
ZIMBABWE’S ferrochrome smelters are seeking an electricity tariff reduction to cushion themselves from depressed global prices, an association representing the industry said. The Confederation of Ferrochrome Industries, with 13 members, has written to Industr...