TISCO Lowered Its Tender Price for HC FeCr in September

[Ferro-Alloys.com]TISCO settled its tender price for high-carbon ferrochrome in September at RMB5,950/MT Cr 50% basis, delivered price VAT by cash, down by RMB100/MT Cr 50% basis

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Inner Mongolia Ferrochrome Plants Closed for Beijing Blue

[Ferro-Alloys.com]In order to ensure the excellent air condition during the military parade in early September, most ferrochrome plants in Inner Mongolia ceased ceased their production on August 26

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

IFM Fights Low Ferrochrome Price, Higher Input Costs

International Ferro Metals’ (IFM’s) financial performance and cash flows will likely remain under pressure unless there is a “sustained improvement” in the ferrochrome price, which has been hovering at the same level for three consecutive quarters.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Optimum Rescue Chance Reasonable if Eskom Deal Renegotiated – Glencore

The directors of Optimum are of the view that there is a reasonable prospect of rescuing Optimum Coal if the supply agreement with Eskom can be renegotiated, Glencore said on Thursday. Optimum Coal announced on August 4 that it had begun business rescue procee...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Brazil’s Ferbasa Sales up in Apr-Jun

According to Brazil’s Ferbasa said that its sales of high carbon ferro-chrome totaled 29,136 tons during April to June, increasing by 4.7% year on year.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

December 2015 – New Commissioning Date for 55kt Tata Ferrochrome Plant

December 2015 is the new target date for Tata Steel to commission a 55kt per annum ferrochrome plant in Gopalpur, Odisha. Two previous dates – March and July 2015 – have been and gone and the company blamed delays on the installation of power transmitters.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Eskom Unveils New Coal-Sourcing Strategy as it Pursues R2bn Optimum Claim

State-owned electricity utility Eskom has confirmed an overhaul to its coal-sourcing model, which could result in it withdrawing from its historical cost-plus arrangements with “tied collieries” in favour of arms-length commercial contracts with coal supplie...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Eskom still Looking to Close ‘gap’ between Actual and ‘Cost-Reflective’ Tariffs

State-owned electricity utility Eskom has again argued that South African consumers are not yet paying “cost-reflective tariffs” and has indicated that it will continue to pursue revenue “claw backs” through the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
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