42% Iran Chrome Ore Future Price from 2012 to 2014.

In 2012, the 42% Iran Chrome ores monthly average future price was USD240-260/mt, and in Q3 of 2012 the price even reduced to USD230/mt. then from2013 to Q3 of 2014, the 42% Iran Chrome ores recovered to USD260-270/mt.

Monday, October 27, 2014

42% Turkey Chrome Ore Spot Price from 2012-2014

In half two of 2012, the 42% Turkey chrome ore spot price declined to low standard for the high import volume. In Q4 of 2012, the monthly average price was quoted at RMB44-46/mtu. However, the price gradually recovered from 2013 for the Turkey miners purposely...

Monday, October 27, 2014

48% Turkey Chrome Ores Concentrate from 2012 to 2014-China

It was acknowledged that in the latest three years, the 48% Turkey Cr ore concentrates gradually decline while as the decreasing rate was not serious, during half two of 2012 and 2013, the 48% Turkey Cr ore spot

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ferrochrome Market Weekly Review (Oct. 20th 2014-Oct. 24th 2014)

Production Rate of Ferrochrome Continued to Fall due to the Declining Price

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chrome Ore Market Weekly Review (Oct. 20th 2014-Oct. 24th 2014)

Weak Market of Chrome Ore due to Low Production Rate of Ferrochrome Factories

Friday, October 24, 2014

Medium and Low Carbon Ferrochrome Prices Kept Stable in Late Sept.

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The prices of medium and low carbon ferrochrome from China’s major producers kept stable in late Sept

Thursday, October 23, 2014

48%Turkey Cr ores futures Price during 2012 and 2014.

It could be seen that in 2012, the 48%Turkey Cr ores futures price fluctuated between USD270-310/mt. in 2013, it increased to USD277-302/mt with average price at USD292/mt, rising by USD9/mt compared with that of 2012. since half two of 2013, 48%Turkey Cr ores...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Future price of 44% South African Cr ores concentrates during 2012 and 2014

In half one of 2012, the future price of 44% South African Cr ores concentrates maintained at USD20-220/mt and then it reduced to USD182/mt. In 2013, the average price kept at USD182/mt while in 2014 it recovered to USD188/mt. Referred to the FeCr price in Chi...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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