The Spot Price of Chinese FeMn Products Dropped Obviously (Aug 29th—Sep 2nd)

[] The price of Chinese high carbon ferromanganese products began to drop sharply during the past week. High carbon ferromanganese 65C7.0 was quoted at RMB5400-5500/mt in Guangxi province, medium carbon ferromanganese 78C1.5 was quoted at RMB78...

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Export Volume of Refined FeMn Increased by 359.16% MoM in July

[] China exported 5.9 tons of medium and low carbon ferromanganese in July, up by 359.16% month on month. To be specific, all the 5.9 tons were exported to North Korea.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Export Volume of HC FeMn Increased by 1023.14% in July

[] China exported 151 tons of high carbon ferromanganese in July, up by 1023.14% month on month. To be specific, all the 151 tons were exported to North Korea.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Import Volume of Refined FeMn Increased by 359.16% MoM in July

[] China imported 55 tons of medium and low carbon ferromanganese in July, up by 359.16% month on month. To be specific, China imported 50 tons from Vietnam.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Import Volume of HC FeMn Increased by 1023.14% MoM in July

[] China imported 5,885 tons of high carbon ferromanganese in July, up by 1023.14% month on month. To be specific, China imported 5,715 tons from South Africa.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Chinese FeMn Price Remained Steady during the Past Week (Aug 22nd—Aug 26th)

As the supply volume of manganese ore is becoming more and more, and the quotation of downstream manganese alloys dropped sharply during the past week. It is estimated that the spot price might drop rapidly in early September in China.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Chinese FeMn Price Began to Fall Sharply (Aug 15th- Aug 19th)

[] The price of Chinese high carbon ferromanganese products began to drop sharply during the past week. High carbon ferromanganese 65C7.0 was quoted at RMB5200-5300/mt in Guangxi province, medium carbon ferromanganese 78C1.5 was quoted at RMB78...

Monday, August 22, 2016

Chinese Ferromanganese Price Showed a Sign of Dropping (Aug 1st—Aug 5th)

The spot supply of ferromanganese products is becoming more and more on the market, and the price has showed a sign of dropping in China. It is estimated the current price will drop rapidly in the next month.

Monday, August 8, 2016
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