
Export Prices of High-grade Silicon Metals climbed up in China

In the middle of June, silicon metal market held steady with firm quotations in China

Thursday, June 12, 2014

LC FeCr Market Ran Smoothly-China

Despite of the downturn purchasing price of steel mills in June, the low carbon ferrochrome trading price in Chinese market was steady.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Environmental Policy Was Strict in FeNi Producing areas of China

Wulanchabu City, the largest producing area of FeNi in Inner Mongolia, China, was still suffering the strict environmental policy. At early time of June, the operating rate of high ferronickel here had already dropped to

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ningxia FeSi Producers Held Firm Quotations in China

Ningxia FeSi Producers Held Firm Quotations in China

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Calium Carbide Price Continued to Slip in China

Chinese calcium carbide market kept slipping as some producers reduced the ex-work price by RMB100/mt in mid-June. Abundant materials have drawn the maket down, meanwhile, materials from PVC plants has also flooded into the market, which undoubtedly aggravate ...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Overseas Moly Market Softened

[]Overseas moly price lost upward momentum amid slim deals. Considering that there were small real transactions during weekend holidays, opinions of price softness were not confirmed.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chinese FeMo Price Softened amid Slighter Demand

[]Chinese FeMo price softened, with offer being RMB-/mt by cash. In early June, the tenders from steel mills were several hundreds of tons, which was not as much as late May. Some spot materials were concluded as low as RMB-/mt by acceptance. T...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chinese EMM Price Was at High Level

EMM price in China continued to rise recently as operation was bad and spot supply was in shortage. In the manganese triangle area, mainstream ex-work price of manganese

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
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