At the end of Sept., most of stainless steel mills had cut down the benchmark price of high FeNi in Oct.. In addition, the LME nickel price had declined for three weeks. In this condition, many manufactures presented pessimistic attitude for FeNi market and we...
For the poor market situation of stainless steel and nickel, the FeNi capacity release would not recover then. The nickel ores price still suffered falling risk.
this week the chrome ores spot price kept stable while some mines of futures continued to decrease. It was predicted that the Cr ores price would not be well then as the FeCr price was seen to go down in Oct..
According to the investigation of,electrolytic manganese metal (EMM) market in China was stable this week. In the manganese triangle area,
According to the investigation of, Chinese core wire was stable this week. In Henan province, ex-work price of Ca98%min∮9㎜Ca wire stayed around RMB12400-12600/mt
Before National Day, calcium silicon price in China kept low. Calcium silicon market kept steady and consumers were not active in purchasing calcium silicon. Some certain factory in Ningxia stopped functioning.
Metallurgical Si metal price remained firm in the last week of September in China. And Chemical si metal price tended up. Some factories changed capacity to silicon metal.