
Exports of Russian FeSi Rose by 4.33% in January to August 2014

Exports of Russian FeSi Rose by 4.33% in January to August 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

High-grade Silicon Metal Would Kept Firm

High-grade silicon metal price would keep firm in late November. There were no spot materials for Si3303# and Si2202# in the market. And foreign aluminium alloy firms would come to buy Si3303# for next year. So high-grade silicon metal price would continue to ...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Imported Mn Ore Spot Market in China Hold Steady Basically

[] There was no dramatic fluactation on imported manganese ore spot market in China in recent period. Australian Mn46 lumps are currently focused on RMB33.5-34.5/mtu andRMB33-34/mtu for Mn48 sand ore. South African Mn38 lumps are pricing at RMB...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Prices of HC FeMn in China Showed No Dramatic Change

[]It is said that there was no obvious fluaction on ferromanganese market in China. Among of this, high carbon ferromanganese is quoted at RMB5,300/mt while high cabon 75 is focused on RMB6,300-6,400/mt.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chinese Vanadium Pent Oxide Price Softened, so did Vanadium Nitrogen Alloy

[]Chinese vanadium pent oxide transacted at RMB65,000-66,000/mt (USD10,655-10,819/mt, export duty excluded). Downstream V alloys suppliers lost confidence in the market, holding cautious attitude.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chinese FeV Price Kept Steady, as Steel Mills Pressed Bids

[]Chinese FeV50 was offered at RMB77,000-78,000/mt (USD12,622-12,786/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance. Most steel mills bought required volumes and delayed payment, resulting in FeV transaction price drop again.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Price Gap Hindered Nickel Ores Trade in Chinese Market

It was acknowledged that the FeNi cost of most producers were over RMB1100/Ni, while as the purchasing price from steel mills was so low that most of the FeNi enterprises were not reluctant to sell. One producer said, now the stell mills were hard to buy if th...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Downturn risk of Low FeNi price weakened in China

In early Nov., the low ferronickel price ex-works price was RMB2350-2400/mt and the producers were active to sell. However, recently, many enterprises shut down or cut down the output for the poor condition and the environmental inspection. In addition, as the...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
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